
Monday, March 30, 2015

the marketing of Mother Church

the marketing of Mother Church

One way to look at V2 (Vatican 2) is as a new marketing strategy for the Church...

If you view the Church as a product -- which is basically what V2 did -- then the goal of "modernizing' the Church is to make it more appealing to consumers...

... mercy... that's appealing...

... sin and damnation... not very appealing...

One way to broaden the appeal of this product is to make it more accessible to more people...

... communion for divorced and remarried... that has broad appeal for a large target audience...


Or if you're bergoglio, you look at what attracts loyal consumers (formerly known as the "faithful") to the Church...

... the Virgin Mary... ok then... we'll make sure not to upset our core loyal customers (formerly known as the "faithful") by giving lip service to Mary... not that bergoglio gives a fig about Our Blessed Mother... it's just what you have to do to keep the loyal consumers of our product (formerly known as the "the Bride of Christ") happy...

... even though the Virgin Mary is seen as a negative from the perspective of some prospective new consumers (protestants)... we'll just have to live with the "marianism" of our core consumers and meanwhile assure our new prospective customers that this is just an old custom leftover from the pre-V2 days... with time it will go away.. or be reduced to meaningless rituals...

If you're bergoglio, it's all about merger-mania... can we merge with the protestants... how about the jews... or the muslims... even atheists...

... even atheists want to know that they are not going to hell... even if they don't believe in heaven... or God for that matter... why should they care about hell...

... the truth is that atheists don't care about hell... and protestants, jews and muslims don't care about the Catholic Church...


... so this whole "marketing" of the Church to a wider audience... it's all a ploy...

... the real goal of these "marketeers" is to create a whole new god-less anti-Church...

bergoglio and company must be thinking... we're almost there... we're so close...

... time for a massive P.R. campaign to push public opinion...

... and the theme of this new P.R. campaign... what should it be...

... what else?...

... "mercy"...


"mercy" for the sinners...

"mercy" for the adulterers...

"mercy" for the sodomites...

"mercy" for the heretics...

"mercy" for the perfidious...

"mercy, mercy, mercy"...

... a veritable "mercy sale"... except the plan is to just give it away...

... but if you are giving away "mercy" then it must not be worth anything...

... that's just Marketing 101...

... "mercy" becomes a de-valued currency...


  1. mercy (false compassion trap) is the second pillar on the masonic kabalistic (talmudic) tree of life, very trendy by the high ranking lords of these days..
